When trying to get people to change it can often feel like an uphill struggle. You may find that the pace of change is slower than you need, potentially people are not adopting new ways of working or new software tools. Maybe you’re seeing active resistance, even sabotage. Or perhaps people are getting stressed and you’re concerned they are burning out. Potentially your own diary is filling up and it’s taking more and more of your time and energy.

These problems are typical but NOT inevitable! They are symptomatic of the way change is being delivered and normally far easier to resolve than most people think.

You see I’ve been there too. Back in the late ’90s I was facing high levels of resistance and had to find a different way. Over the past 25 years I’ve honed what works (and found out the hard way what doesn’t!!). I’ve learnt that when change is done well, it’s an ENERGISING process, it moves faster than expected and delivers great outcomes. It’s more fun too!

Being an effective change leader is also a great way to grow your reputation and open up new opportunities, in my case way beyond what I could ever have imagined.

If that sounds interesting then let’s have a chat so we can talk through where you are and what you’re looking to achieve. Just click below to book a call or email me directly at [email protected] or call 0800 612 3548.

I look forward to meeting you


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