Bill Gates: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster

By Applied Change


How to avoid a climate disaster By Bill Gates

Characteristically very well informed and thoughtful, this book gives us cause for optimism that many of the solutions we need are within reach if we can give the topic the attention it deserves and the motivation it needs. The book sets out a simple and very effective contextual framework of what needs to happen then step by step shows us how we could potentially get there, acknowledging where we have solutions already vs the problems we need to work on.

Covid-19 has taken our attention for the past 18 months, rightly so, and now we need to turn our attention back to our next existential challenge. The past 18 months have demonstrated that we do have the tools to shape human behaviour at scale so we’re hopeful that the combination of the technologies discussed here and the rapidly developing science around behaviourism offers us some reasons to be optimistic about the future. One thing is clear though, we all have a part to play in making it happen and as Greta Thunberg has shown us, any one of us can make a difference.

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