Change Readiness Assessment Process

Change Journey Navigator – Business Change Excellence at Your Fingertips

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Why use Change Journey Navigator?

Change Journey Navigator focuses on the people side of change. It allows you to quickly and easily capture the opinions and perspectives from a broad, representative group of stakeholders. It’s a quick and reliable way to gauge employee readiness for change and therefore overall organizational readiness.

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Why are traditional change management methods no longer working?

We know from the huge body of research and best practice that the biggest predictor of change success is the degree to which our stakeholders (employees) are committed to it. This defines the lengths they will go to support it. The approach commonly adopted is to broadcast, using various media such as email, video broadcasts, town hall briefings, even glossy brochures, setting out the case for change in order to convince people to follow. This is of course, very sensible and far better than nothing, but it tends to be focused in one direction, which means it’s difficult or impossible to really know how well it’s landed and therefore how the stakeholders are feeling about it.

This is where a purpose built tool such as  Change Journey Navigator can fill the gap. Of course, we would highly recommend taking the time to have well structured one-to-one discussions with the key stakeholders to gain their feedback and insights into how they are feeling about the change. In practice though this can bring a few challenges if used in isolation:

  1. If the number of stakeholders (people we need to influence) is large then this can be difficult to do effectively at scale
  2. Depending on how the meetings are set up and who is involved, there may be a tendency for the interviewee to hold back on important information or not be completely honest about how they are feeling.
  3. It can be surprisingly difficult to analyse and distil the responses into a coherent set of data that is sufficiently useful to inform the resulting engagement strategy. In other words answering the question, so what can we do about it?
  4. If the process is to be repeated periodically (recommended to see how the engagement strategy is working) it can be difficult to draw like for like comparisons from the data.

What does the Change Journey Navigator tool do?

Conducting a team or organisational readiness for change assessment using a purpose built tool makes the process far easier, more repeatable and more robust. The tool does the hard work for you, from assessment to results typically within a few days. It captures participant response data and applies the latest science and best practice to give a point in time data based benchmark of how the group is perceiving the change, in our case measuring against the High Impact Changemaker System

It allows you to quickly identify and focus attention on the underlying themes that, once addressed, will have the biggest impact on the target group’s feelings towards the change and therefore their likelihood of engaging in it. Most importantly it highlights how to increase engagement. It brings a clarity, objectivity and honesty to what can otherwise become a very subjective and often anecdotal assessment.

It’s designed run alongside your existing change management initiatives and engagement strategies, allowing you to see where engagement is high and where it could be improved, in other words how the engagement strategies are being received by your target group. It also allows you to track your progress over time using a concept called moments, so you can rest safe in the knowledge that you are moving in the right direction.

We highly recommend using purpose built, metrics based engagement tools alongside targeted key stakeholder one-to-one meetings in order to get the best of both worlds.

About Change Journey Navigator

Change Journey Navigator has been developed in collaboration with the UWE Psychological Sciences team in Bristol. It uses a combination of the latest behavioural research, practical experience of change in a wide range of different organisations and sectors, and builds upon the existing well-known change models such as ADKAR, Kotter’s 8 Steps, AIM, McKinsey 7-S, Lewin, Kubler-Ross’ Change Curve and Nudge Theory.

It’s designed to be used in groups from as few as 10 to 10,000 or more, depending upon the circumstances of the change and the nature of the group of people we are trying to influence. If you’ve tried our free version already then you’ll notice that you gave just one perspective, yours. The Team version has the same fun and friendly user experience and allows you see the the responses in  aggregate across the whole team, assessing both the overall sentiment for each theme and the level of alignment or divergence within the team.

It allows you to quickly zoom in on any areas of concern so that you can focus your attention on areas that are likely to be major causes of resistance. Change engagement strategies are therefore better informed and measurable.

How would you use it with a group?

Change Journey Navigator is normally used in one of three ways:

  1. With smaller groups of up to 20 people, for example your management team. Each participant takes the assessment beforehand, the results are then aggregated and presented for discussion as part of a workshop with that group.
  2. At scale, as part of an engagement strategy for a change initiative, using solid data to test the effectiveness of communications approaches and / or identify and ease sources of change resistance.
  3. For business coaches and consultants, we can run the survey on your behalf and produce a detailed report that you can then use in your discussion with your client, of course we’re always here to help alongside if needed.

Comparing multiple moments – In all cases, this could either be a one-off exercise or a repeating process that takes place either at regular intervals, e.g. quarterly, or at key points (“moments”) in the change process. Repeating the process means that any interventions from the previous assessment can be tested to see if they are working as expected.

We typically find that a good time to run the navigator is either at the beginning of the change process, once the details of the change have been communicated or if the change has run into difficulty in some way, it’s an incredibly powerful way to uncover the underlying causes of low engagement.

Another scenario that has proved very successful with clients is running it post implementation where low software adoption has been identified. Change Journey navigator helps you to quickly and easily understand the root of the problem and then what to do next.

How does it work in practice?

The tool will:

  1. Capture the participant perspectives using a science based assessment process
  2. Identify which of 27 themes should receive priority focus and why it’s important
  3. Suggest the practical next steps you can take

What does it cost?

At a starting price of £49 per respondent, it represents excellent value, especially when compared with the cost of unidentified and unresolved resistance. For larger projects involving hundreds of people or for enterprise engagements we also have scaling discounts.

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