Case Studies

Included below are examples of the different ways we've helped leaders to achieve their change or transformation goals. This was delivered  through a mix of consulting, coaching and specialist products, all designed to increase engagement and deliver high value outcomes.

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Business Change Secret Ingredient Cartoon

Navigating Through Culture Transformation

The insights helped the leadership team to see that they each had concerns about the planned changes, not all of which had been shared openly. They were surprised to find that their views on how well the vision fitted with the company values were polarised. Read more

Lean Thinking Diagram

Increasing Engagement in a Multi-Year Global Transformation

A global technical manufacturing business had seen strong growth, with new opportunities and new markets emerging over the past few years. However, the structures, processes and systems in the business were no longer able to cope with the larger, more complex business. Cracks were starting to show. Using the Change Journey Navigator they were able to see where engagement was strong and where attention was needed, with often surprising insights. This has allowed them to continually take actions to increase and maintain engagement throughout their change journey. Read more

Rights Management and Publishing Diagram

Company Wide Engagement in a Global Finance Transformation

A globally distributed manufacturing company was running a global finance transformation initiative involving hundreds of people in a number of different countries. Using the Change Journey Navigator they were able to dramatically improve the buy-in of the local teams and have them feel a sense of ownership of the change... Read more

Client Stories Book Publisher

Global Manufacturer – Transformation Leadership Team

The leadership team of a global finance transformation believed they were all broadly aligned on the change journey ahead only to find that on some important aspects they were poles apart in their beliefs and perceptions. The Change Journey Navigator helped them to see and fix what was there all along but they hadn't spotted. Read more

Client Stories Book Publisher

Book Publisher – Distribution Centre

Following the launch of a new software system, their distribution centre had started to suffer from increasing performance problems and severe bottlenecks in throughput. We were asked to get involved to help establish what was happening. It became apparent that the problem was much wider than just the new IT system. Read more


International Music Company – Supply Chain Consolidation

Our journey with this client started with helping to make the case for change and establish some momentum. We then went on to play a key role in the delivery, driving the changes in process, systems and people behaviour, working closely with the senior business and IT sponsors to ensure the change continued to align closely to strategic goals. Read more

Music and Book Publishing – Operations Restructuring

Our client had recognised a need to restructure their operations function to more closely align the performance and structure of their physical business to their strategic goals. At the root of their issues we had identified some fundamental cultural and organisational issues that needed to be addressed in order to make any progress. Read more

Rights Management and Publishing Diagram

Rights Management and Publishing – IT Governance and Change Management

A key area of concern for our client was that they felt they were not getting good value for money from their IT investment. This manifested as a lack of control and visibility over IT spend, ineffective IT change governance and a misalignment of IT resources to corporate goals. In short, they were spending money but not getting where they should be. Read more

Client Stories Music Illustration

Global Distribution and Repertoire Management

We started working with this client as they were about to kick-off the first phase in the development of a new repertoire management system. It became clear that for the project to succeed there needed to be a stated consensus amongst management and stakeholders of why the development was being undertaken and what they were trying to achieve in business terms. Read more

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