Become a High Impact Changemaker

Deliver business change with more confidence and less stress

Traditional change management strategies are failing leaders

In the current volatile, fast paced, flexible and uncertain business environment, staying ahead requires a different approach

Learn how you and your team can power through your change with greater confidence, delivering your goals with higher engagement and less resistance, making it far easier and less stressful for you.



What clients say…

Mark is absolutely great to work with. His subject matter expertise is, of course, impressive but no surprise. What has been more important on this project is the way that Mark works. He engages everyone involved at the outset, he is crystal clear with his communication and he has the ability to work at pace whilst also taking time to bring everyone on the journey with him. Read more

Alan Evans – Executive Coach & ex Transformation Director at Game UK

Mastering the Art of Influence – Turning Resistance into Engagement

FREE eBook – click below to request a copy

Case stories

Rights Management and Publishing – IT Governance and Change Management

A key area of concern for our client was that they felt they were not getting good value for money from their IT investment. This manifested as a lack of control and visibility over IT spend, ineffective IT change governance and a misalignment of IT resources to corporate goals. In short, they were spending money but not getting where they should be. Read more

Picture of and cartoon lady reading a book


The EASIER Way to Lead Change

Are you seeing change fatigue, dis-engagement or even sabotage? Maybe your change is taking longer or going over budget? With Change Journey Navigator you can get to the source of the problem quickly.

We know from psychology and neuroscience that emotions drive behaviour and yet most of the common tools and project approaches either deliver short on this aspect or miss it completely. The emotional connection people have with a change initiative drives the extent to which they will engage in it, whether they will prioritise it over everything else, the extent to which they will go the extra mile and how innovative they will be.

And there’s an extra benefit: people need to feel heard, it’s a hugely powerful engagement approach. With Change Journey Navigator you’ll send a clear signal to your employees that you are truly listening.


Learn How to Influence Inspire and Engage

As a leader delivering change, you may find it can be frustratingly difficult getting people fully onside and engaged. Our new 1:1 coaching program is specifically designed to help you to fast track your way to better outcomes, more easily and with less stress. 

Whether it’s implementing new technology, streamlining operations, consolidating, merging or separating, you may have a sense that it should be easier than this. Why aren’t more people getting on board?

Leaders are often left to work through these problems alone and unsupported. We’re here to support you all the way. With decades of experience in a range of sectors we can help you to avoid the common pitfalls and accelerate yourself to a great outcome.

Built on solid foundations


Elements form a simple model for change


Themes to help focus attention


Factors essential for successful change

Informed by Research & Practice

Developed in partnership with the University of the West of England
Applying the latest behavioural science to unleash the most natural of human qualities.

Reflection time…..

Managing Change in the Workplace

With change an essential part of every business, it’s ever more critical that we focus on managing change successfully. A startlingly high number of change initiatives are unsuccessful, with the odds firmly in favour of failure. We take a look behind those numbers to see what’s happening and how we can stack the odds in our favour.

Want More Certainty About Achieving Your Goals? Use the Science

Many people regularly start a new year resolving to achieve a new goal, maybe to write a book or eat more healthily and exercise more. Maybe it starts well but after a while it becomes harder and harder to sustain momentum. Roughly 85% of New Years resolutions don’t last according to research, so how do you turn your good intentions into sustained life changes?

A New Direction – Challenging the Misconceptions About Change

It is possible to make changes quickly without causing workplace stress and attrition but it takes a very different approach…

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