Overcoming Change Resistance Icon

Unlocking change resistance

Identify the root cause quickly and get moving again

Resistance to change is almost inevitable when making big changes and yet the real problem is that it’s not always visible. Often what’s NOT said is even more important that what people are prepared to tell you, you see most people don’t tell leaders what they really think. The only clue is in their behaviours. Change fatigue and sabotage are just different forms of resistance.

Our research backed coaching package helps you to quickly and cost effectively get to the real causes, so you can increase engagement and unleash high energy change.  

A common misconception is that people don’t like change. It’s more accurate to say that most of us don’t like change being forced upon us. In an organisational context the pressure to move at pace often means that many of the people who need to be engaged in order to make it happen actually end up feeling dis-engaged and even actively resistant to what is happening.

There may be many reasons for this but the common theme is that they are all emotional, so that’s where the secret to engagement starts. We recommend starting by testing the “mood of the room”, for example using our science based Change Journey Navigator, designed specifically to test for emotional engagement. Using the insights helps you to focus on what really matters in the moment, saving you time and money often spent on meetings and communications that are missing the mark. We then work with you and your change leadership team to develop concrete strategies that you can implement right away to unlock resistance and increase engagement.

If you are facing change resistance and would like to know more then please get in touch by clicking the button below.

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