The Great Relationships Reset

By Applied Change



The Coronavirus pandemic changed the way we interact, with reduced face-to-face interaction, increased online connection and working from home. Many of these changes are becoming permanent and in turn, we all need to review how we connect and communicate with each other effectively in the future.

The Meta Foresight (formerly Facebook IQ) team conducted a survey of 36,000 adults across 12 markets.

Among their key findings:

  • 72% of respondents said that the pandemic caused them to reprioritize their closest friends
  • Young people are most open to using more immersive tech to foster connections (including augmented and virtual reality), though all users indicated that tech will play a bigger role in enhancing personal connections moving forward
  • 37% of people surveyed globally reported reassessing their life priorities as a result of the pandemic

Read the full research findings, here.

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