Satya Nadella – Hit Refresh

By Mark Vincent


Hit Refresh By Satya Nadella

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We know from recent history that no organisation is too big to fail. It’s easy to think though that organisations can be so big that change, at least the transformational kind, is mission impossible.

Satya Nadella has proven with Microsoft, one of the biggest companies on the planet, that this isn’t true at all. The key to success though is the recognition that culture change comes from within each of us and when we’re truly inspired by something, can see the part we can play in it, collaborate well and let go of our defensive behaviours, we are unstoppable.

In his book, Hit Refresh, Nadella discusses his journey at Microsoft and inspires us all that real change is possible, regardless of size.

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How do you feel your change is going?

– Constantly adding more budget and it’s starting to feel like a money pit?
– Feeling that the changes seem to take much longer than hoped?
– Not getting tangible results quickly enough?
– Finding that no matter how hard you push, you’re still not getting there?

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