Our latest thoughts…

The body of human knowledge is expanding all the time. Learning, sharing and building on that knowledge is the energy that drives the human race forward as we reach for greater things. Alongside helping our clients, we try to find some time to reflect on those things that we have learnt along the way. We love to hear about your experience too, so please do get involved in the discussion.

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• Applied Change

The biggest problem with communication…

Effective communication is essential when implementing organisational change, so how can we make sure our communication strategy is a success?

• Mark Vincent

Improving employee engagement

Employees make decisions, take actions and behave in ways that impact our businesses, other employees, customers and other stakeholders. Their level of engagement is therefore critical to business performance and agility in the face of change.

• Mark Vincent

How to make Transformational Change

What is transformational change and how can we give ourselves the best possible chance of a successful outcome? We’ve answered some of the more common questions that we get asked.

• Mark Vincent

Why Lean Principles are Only Part of the Story

Whether it’s a large Lean transformation initiative or a rapid improvement event, it’s very easy to focus on getting to the end state solution design and, in doing so, to miss the point completely.

• Mark Vincent

If we Want Change to Happen, Incentivise it

When incentives and subsidies are aligned to the behaviours we want it’s far more likely that change will happen.

• Mark Vincent

How to Engage Stakeholders in your Change

The essence of change management is engaging all the stakeholders in the change. Here are some tips on how to achieve that.

• Mark Vincent

How to Deal with a Resistant Team

You may have noticed that we can all be resistant to change at times. Let’s take a deeper look at why we typically resist and what can be done to ease that resistance

• Mark Vincent

UWE Research Study: Measuring and Reducing Change Resistance in Organisations

What is it that causes us to resist change? This research study conducted by Psychology Masters’ student Katherine Reader at UWE explores the key factors.

• Mark Vincent

How to make life changes and stick to them

Why do we struggle so much to turn our good intentions into sustained life changes? What can we do to make those important changes stick?

• Mark Vincent

What is Change Readiness? Start by asking these 5 questions

Have you ever tried making changes that never really got past the good intentions. We’ve found that 5 simple questions can help to orientate us to a far more useful place.

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