Our latest thoughts…

The body of human knowledge is expanding all the time. Learning, sharing and building on that knowledge is the energy that drives the human race forward as we reach for greater things. Alongside helping our clients, we try to find some time to reflect on those things that we have learnt along the way. We love to hear about your experience too, so please do get involved in the discussion. Take me down

• Mark Vincent

Change Readiness

Knowing the right thing to do is very different from doing the right thing. We can all think of good examples. Change readiness is about giving us (whether individually or as a team) the best chance of having our behaviours more closely match our good intentions.

• Mark Vincent

Supercharge your change initiative

Accelerating business change and increasing the agility of an organisation has much to learn from sport. As any athlete will tell you, good to great is about the details. It’s applying the latest science and striving for marginal gains that, when applied over time, lead to the improvements that get noticed. Those that win awards and launch careers.

• Mark Vincent

How to ease the pain of change

This year has certainly been an emotional roller-coaster for many of us. When a change is thrust upon us it may be useful to understand that the emotions we’re feeling follow a pattern and that pattern is similar for most of us

• Applied Change

Change Management: Why big change is the new normal in business

The phrase “change is a constant” has never been more true and increasingly the nature of change is becoming far more transformational. True transformation requires a different kind approach, including a willingness to go back to base principles and question everything. Are you ready?

• Mark Vincent

Lessons in Change #3 – The Challenge of Compliance

The reasons we comply or resist are complex and, as we’re seeing now, developing our understanding of the different factors that affect our level of compliance is critical not only to dealing with the virus in the months ahead but also to success in any change situation.

• Mark Vincent

Lessons in Change #2 – Ease the Friction

Most of us regularly do things that we know aren’t great for us, whether it’s eating more than we should, not exercising enough, drinking too much, too much time on social media etc. We know it rationally and yet our behaviour doesn’t always match our good intentions. So what’s stopping us making those behaviour changes, despite knowing they will be good for us?

• Mark Vincent

Lessons in Change #1: Start with a reason that we believe in

The speed and magnitude of the change we’ve been through during the early part of 2020 is unprecedented in recent history. What can we learn from our response and the speed at which we all acted?

• Mark Vincent

Help Needed: Change Resistance Research at UWE Bristol

Has your organisation undergone a change recently that has affected you? Or have you been responsible for delivering a change at work? If so then maybe you could help us with some research we are working on with UWE in Bristol.

• Mark Vincent

Are we good at change?

In a matter of weeks at least 2.6 billion people have changed their way of life in ways that would have previously been unimaginable. Given the speed and scale of this change, what can we learn from it and how can we apply that learning to other changes that matter to us?

• Mark Vincent

From change resistance to engagement: Learning lab workshop

Register Here Applied Change in collaboration with the Psychological Sciences Research Group at University of West of England (UWE) Have you noticed how the more you push people the more they tend to resist? Have…

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