Our latest thoughts…

The body of human knowledge is expanding all the time. Learning, sharing and building on that knowledge is the energy that drives the human race forward as we reach for greater things. Alongside helping our clients, we try to find some time to reflect on those things that we have learnt along the way. We love to hear about your experience too, so please do get involved in the discussion. Take me down

• Mark Vincent

Organisational Change – Why do we always focus on schedule and budget?

When delivering change, focusing too much on schedule and budget tends to take our attention away from the only factor that will ensure success.

• Mark Vincent

Organisational Change: Do We Need To Re-frame Our Thinking?

Do the statistics on Organisational Change point to the way we are defining success?

• Mark Vincent

A Lesson in Change Management from David Attenborough and the BBC?

When making change that matters, what lessons can we learn from David Attenborough and the BBC?

• Mark Vincent

A new paradigm requires new thinking

The Forth Industrial Revolution we are living in now requires a completely different way of thinking about how we live, work and deal with change if we want to thrive.

• Mark Vincent

External help – how to choose

From time to time we all need external help to get things done but getting the right kind of help can be a confusing process. There are so many options and each situation is unique. This guide is intended to help you navigate the various types of external support to find the one best suited for you and your situation.

• Mark Vincent

Can one thought change our experience?

Where does our reality really come from? And what are the implications for our business and personal life?

• Mark Vincent

Why most change happens too slowly, and what to do about it

Is the retail sector teaching us a valuable lesson? Why are previously successful businesses failing to keep the initiative? And what can other sectors learn?

• Mark Vincent

How to make big change? Start small.

Large organisations making big changes could learn lessons in agility from smaller firms.

• Mark Vincent

Business Change: The secret ingredient that makes all the difference

Effective change is about creating a movement within your organisation, so engaging at an emotional level is where it starts

• Mark Vincent

Real or Not?

How often have you made judgements about people or a situation that turned out to be completely different to what you thought at the time? Ever wondered why in some cases the person you are talking to you just doesn’t get where you are coming from and vice versa? This article explores why that is.

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