
We're always looking to deepen our knowledge and challenge our own thinking. Thankfully, our connected world makes it so much easier to find great wisdom, whether it's a thought provoking book, an inspiring TED talk, some ground-breaking research or a blog that challenges convention. Here is a selection of our favourites.

Take me down
John Kotter – The Evolution of the 21st Century Organisation

John Kotter discusses why the organisational structures designed in the late 19th century are slowing businesses down in an era of rapid change. And what can be done to increase the pace. Whilst this was recorded in 2013, the lessons are, if anything, becoming more true by the day.

Leaders focus too much on changing policies, and not enough on changing minds

Whilst focusing on the harder aspects of a change, such as policies, processes, facilities, technology, training etc, what organisations typically overlook or at least pay too little attention to, is the human element, i.e. what we think and feel. And yet we’re increasingly learning that it’s one of the most fundamental contributors to successful outcomes.

Switch: How to change things when change is hard

One of our favourite books on change, whether at a personal level, in organisations or at a global scale. They use a simple and really useful elephant and rider analogy to get across how we all deal with change. Also includes some amazing case studies and useful tips.

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