
We're always looking to deepen our knowledge and challenge our own thinking. Thankfully, our connected world makes it so much easier to find great wisdom, whether it's a thought provoking book, an inspiring TED talk, some ground-breaking research or a blog that challenges convention. Here is a selection of our favourites.

Take me down
Robin Sharma – The Monk who Sold his Ferrari

An inspirational fable, full of powerful insights and inspiration for living a life of meaning and abundance.

BJ Fogg – Tiny Habits

Tiny Habits show us how we can more easily create new positive habits that help us to improve our happiness, health and wellbeing or to eliminate those habits that are working against us.

The Top 20 Business Transformations of the Last Decade

What does real business transformation look and what does it take to be successful? This article looks back over the past 10 years at the most successful transformations to see what lessons can be learnt.

Tzeporah Berman – The global treaty to phase out fossil fuels

Fossil fuel based energy is still the cheaper option for most consumers despite renewables being cheaper to produce. This talk focuses on why that is and discusses the treaty that’s gathering momentum to fix it.

Greta Thunberg: Speech to world leaders at UN Climate Action Summit

An emotional speech to world leaders by an amazing young lady who, whilst attracting criticism of her language and methods from some people, has single-handedly created a movement for change. Hopefully post-Covid-19 we can now get this existential threat back onto the global agenda.

Dan Ariely: How to Change Your Behaviour for the Better

Why do our behaviours so often fail to live up to our good intentions? Some great tips and ideas to consider when making changes not only for ourselves but in those around us.

Per Espen Stokes – How to Transform Apocalypse Fatigue into Action on Global Warming

Per Espen Stoknes gives some excellent insights on why we resist making the changes needed address the climate emergency (despite the fact that our future depends on it)

Bill Gates: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster

Covid-19 has taken our attention for the past 18 months, rightly so, and now we need to turn our attention back to our next existential challenge, our climate and reducing emissions. This excellent book gives us cause for optimism that many of the solutions we need are within our reach.

Sir Ken Robinson – Do Schools Kill Creativity

As we move into an era of robots and learning computers we’re starting to ask fundamental questions about the role humans will play and what the world of work is likely to look like. Characteristically funny, insightful and emotional the late Sir Ken Robinson opens our eyes to a broader view of intelligence, maybe better suited to what lies ahead. 

Satya Nadella – Hit Refresh

Think that some organisations are too big or too well established to change? Think again. Satya Nadella and the team at Microsoft of proven otherwise.

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