RAG Status Report

Why Would They Want To?

In business change and transformation it's easy to focus on the wrong things when in fact the answers are often hiding in plain sight Read more

Want More Certainty About Achieving Your Goals? Use the Science

Many people regularly start a new year resolving to achieve a new goal, maybe to write a book or eat more healthily and exercise more. Maybe it starts well but after a while it becomes harder and harder to sustain momentum. Roughly 85% of New Years resolutions don't last according to research, so how do you turn your good intentions into sustained life changes? Read more

Are you on track with your change goals?

How are your goals for this year shaping up? It's well documented that organisational change is challenging, with only 30% achieving their stated goals. What's less well known is that the reason for this is not because people generally resist change... Read more

Early Flight Attempt

How to ensure your business changes stay airborne

With the end of the year in sight, many organisations are resolving to make big changes in the coming year, especially given the uncertainty around topics such as the energy crisis and uncertainty in the global markets. At the same time staff retention is becoming a hot topic for many. So how change is delivered is becoming ever more critical. Read more

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