The Power of Focus: What Successful Leaders Do Differently

By Mark Vincent


The Power of Focus: What Successful Leaders Do Differently

In every organisation, there’s a constant pressure: how do we achieve more with less?

It’s a default behaviour that many of us fall into—celebrating and promoting those who seem to get the most done. We hold ourselves to that same standard. Think about your day—did you measure success by how many tasks you ticked off your to-do list? If so, you’re not alone.

But were they the right things?

The problem with trying to do everything that seems important is that focus and resources are diluted, and progress slows dramatically. In our own lives, this leaves us feeling unsatisfied and frustrated by the lack of real progress. In organisations, it’s a major cause of confusion, conflict, and burnout.

A more powerful approach starts by asking: What matters most? And crucially, what will we stop doing to create space for that?

That last part is the one that makes most of us uncomfortable—and that’s a good thing. Discomfort is often a sign we’re making real decisions, and making decisions is harder than we think.


A Decision Means Letting Go

The word “decision” comes from the Latin term decisio, which itself is derived from decidere, meaning “to cut off” or “to cut away.” The verb decidere is a combination of two parts: de- (meaning “off” or “from”) and caedere (meaning “to cut”).

So, when we make a decision, we are essentially cutting away alternatives, narrowing down options, and choosing a specific path. It’s the action that results in moving forward by eliminating other possibilities.

But here’s where many leaders and organisations struggle. The problem is that we often unconsciously or consciously keep old ideas hanging around… just in case. To cover all bases. To keep our options open.

When we keep everything on the table, our focus is diluted, resources are stretched, and progress stalls. In trying to do everything, we can end up achieving little of real value.

The reason is simple: we’re playing it safe. Whether personally or professionally, safety and comfort can be the greatest enemies of real progress and meaningful change.


Burn the Boats: A Lesson from Cortés

This brings to mind the story of Hernán Cortés. In 1519, after landing in the New World with his troops, he made a bold move. He burned his ships, cutting off any chance of retreat. His men had one option: move forward and conquer. Despite facing overwhelming odds, they succeeded—because failure was not an option.

Sometimes, the best way to achieve significant change is to cut off the path to safety and comfort. By burning the boats, Cortés ensured that his team was focused, driven, and fully committed to the outcome. There was no fallback.

In organisations, the same principle applies. When you take away distractions and commit fully to what matters most, you can move forward with clarity and purpose.


The Courage to Focus

What do you really want to achieve in your organisation? Which “boats do you need to burn” to achieve it? What’s distracting people from what truly matters?

Focus is about making choices—not just about what you will do, but also what you won’t do. The hard truth is that you can’t move forward while clinging to old ideas and day-to-day distractions. That’s as true for individuals as it is for organisations.

To achieve real, meaningful change, you’ll need the courage to make those cuts, to say “no” to the things that aren’t aligned with your highest priorities.


Take Action Now

Lack of focus and dilution of resources are key reasons why organisations fall behind on their strategic objectives and growth targets. They are also major contributors to fatigue and burnout.

So, what can you stop doing today that will free up the mental and physical resources to build a better tomorrow?

What else can you do to accelerate your progress? If your strategy or project has stalled, my quick start guide will help you reignite momentum.

Click Here to Download the Guide Now

Leave a comment below: Is your organisation bogged down with too many initiatives? What will you commit to letting go of today?

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